Recovering at home doesn't have to be difficult.

If you had a recent procedure or major surgery, you likely have certain restrictions to aid your recovery. Your provider will give you detailed information for your specific situation, but here are general tips to make your recovery easier once you get home.
  • Make nutrition a key component by eating a variety of healthy foods which are low in fat and sodium. Lean protein and vegetables will help your cells repair and give you energy. 
  • Get lots of rest and sleep. Overexertion can lead to complications or increased recovery times. 
  • Ensure you know of any restrictions associated with your recovery. This may include limitations on how much you can lift, how long and how hard you can exercise, activities you need to avoid, and movements which could injure you.  
  • Expect slow and steady progress. If you had a relatively minor procedure, you may be up and around in a day or two. If you had a major procedure, your recovery may take more time. Managing your expectations will be important to your recovery.  
  • Take your medications as directed. If your provider prescribed you any medicine, make sure you take them as directed. These medications may regulate your blood pressure, heart rate, or your body’s clotting ability.